Fuse For Macos Sshfs

FUSE for macOS allows you to extend macOS's native file handling capabilities via third-party file systems. It is a successor to MacFUSE, which has been used as a software building block by dozens of products, but is no longer being maintained. As a user, installing the FUSE for macOS software package will let you use any third-party FUSE file system. Due to the complex and interwoven nature of Mac OS X, umount may fail often. It is recommended that diskutil(1) (as in, 'diskutil unmount /mnt') be used instead. This approach (e.g., 'diskutil umount path/to/mount/point') allows me to unmount sshfs-mounted content, and does not require sudo. (And I believe that it should work back through at. Nov 23, 2014 MacOS: sshfs and FUSE When I first started using Macs the situation with FUSE, the user-space filesystem shim, was a mess. But it’s stabilized now and it appears OSXFUSE  is the winner. Their binary packages for OSXFUSE and sshfs work just great.

  1. Fuse For Macos Sshfs Windows 10
  2. Fuse For Macos Sshfs Update
  3. Fuse Sshfs


An easy-to-use installer package for the latest version of SSHFS can be downloaded from the SSHFS repository's download section. It supports Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel, PowerPC) and later.

Note: This build of SSHFS is based on the 'FUSE for OS X' software, that is not contained in the installer package and has to be installed separately. The latest release of 'FUSE for OS X' can be downloaded from http://osxfuse.github.io.

After the installation user has to create a folder, mount point, on their host machines.Then in terminal execute the command:

Navigate to the previous created folder (mount point). Folder icon should have changed and the folder is now containing the files and folders of the remote machine.


To use Macfusion with the newer 'FUSE for OS X'-based version of SSHFS, put Macfusion in your Applications folder and run the following commands in Terminal. See 3. under 'Frequently Asked Questions' for more information as to why you might want to use Macfusion.

To revert the changes and use the old MacFUSE-based version of SSHFS that ships with Macfusion, run:


SSHFS does not come with an uninstaller. To manually remove SSHFS run the following commands in Terminal:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am using SSHFS and changed a file 'externally' (not through sshfs/'FUSE for OS X') on the server, but in the SSHFS volume, I am not seeing the changes. In fact, when I copy the file through SSHFS, I get the old content, etc.

'FUSE for OS X' itself is not a distributed remote file system! It is a mechanism for building arbitrary file systems. If you change things 'externally' to 'FUSE for OS X' (like, a file on the remote server in the case of SSHFS), in general, things need to be done proactively to tell 'FUSE for OS X' that something has changed, otherwise you will get such 'incorrect' behavior. In particular, SSHFS is not meant to replace things such as NFS, AFP, and SMB - it is meant to be a substitute when you do not have any remote file sharing access to a computer, but you do have SFTP access. When you use SSHFS, from the server's standpoint, you are just accessing it using SFTP. It is not as if the server is going to notify an SSHFS client of modifications by other clients.

To make SSHFS (or any other file system) 'catch up' better with 'remote' changes, there are a few things you can do. You can use the -o auto_cache option. This would make 'FUSE for OS X' purge a file's in-kernel buffer cache if a change in the file's size or modification time is detected.


A worse way to have this mode of operation (where you can change things remotely at any time) is to disable caching in SSHFS (look at the various -o cache options in SSHFS, in particular, -o cache=no). Then, additionally, you need to tell 'FUSE for OS X' not to cache things on its end, too. You can use the -o nolocalcaches option, which turns off readaheads, the unified buffer cache, and the pathname resolution cache (all in the kernel). At the cost of some overhead, which could be substantial in certain cases, this will give you the behavior where most requests will have to go to the server and will therefore have more up-to-date information. Note that auto_cache is vastly preferred over this approach.

An example command line for this mode of operation could look like the following:

If you are developing a 'FUSE for OS X' file system and you want to handle such scenarios better within your file system, you should consider mounting your file system with the auto_cache option. You also have the option of using the fuse_purge_np() library function directly, although it is likely to be overkill.

2. SSHFS is not reporting the correct 'disk space' for the remote 'volume'? It seems to have 1,07 TB (1000 GiB) or some such number hardcoded.

Yes, indeed. Remember that there really is not an SSHFS 'volume' per se: SSHFS just uses SFTP to provide an apparently local view of a remote directory. SFTP does not give you disk usage or availability for such a remote directory, so SSHFS does not really have a choice but to cook up some value.

3. Is there an graphical user interface for SSHFS that allows me to create favorites and store my passwords in Keychain?

'FUSE for OS X'-based versions of SSHFS can be used with Macfusion. Macfusion is a graphical user interface that includes the MacFUSE-based file systems SSHFS and CurlFtpFS. It allows you to create favorites and to store your passwords in your Keychain. To set up Macfusion to use a 'FUSE for OS X'-based version of SSHFS instead of the older MacFUSE-based one that is shipping with it, see section 'Installation'.

4. I have found a bug in SSHFS. Where should I report it?

Please open an 'issue' in the the issue tracker of the SSHFS repository or post your findings to the 'FUSE for OS X' Google Group.

How to uninstall MacFUSE | 9 comments | Create New Account
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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

I'm thrilled to see that FUSE has been ported, ssh file systems are a blessing.

I chose not to use the package installer since the site says it's purely a one off, I assume to get folks trying out FUSE. Instead I followed the instructions to compile everything from source which were linked from the original post:

Fuse For Macos Sshfs Windows 10


So far I've had no trouble with the mounted shares, and I'm working on benchmarking VS mounted smb shares... my main interest is finding something that performs better than mounted Windows file shares.

If you want the share to show up in the Finder you'll need to pass in some arguments to the sshfs command, e.g.:

The path for the mountpoint can be any empty directory on your system. I created a folder at ~/mount where I have created empty directories for common shares. Using the options above the share can be unmounted via the finder.

If you are still searching after MacFUSE... a very good, fast and Mac native way is the following: http://blog.no-panic.at/2006/07/23/mount-your-server-home-directory-securly-via-a-openvpn-connection/
I switched from Samba to netatalk which is the normal afp protocol native on OS X. This works seamlessly and I have already set up similar things in production environments in several other places (mostly without the OpenVPN option, because it was in a LAN).
I would like to point to the OSX package manager.
This is a freeware package that allows you to just this.

The Fink Project has FUSE and sshfs available. Installing via Fink has the advantage of easy un-installation later on -- just run fink remove sshfs and fink remove fuse.

As for using sshfs, the only problem I've seen is a kernel panic if I try to restart or shutdown with a volume still mounted in the Finder. If I manually unmount the sshfs volume first, there's no problem.

Fuse For Macos Sshfs Update

Regarding the uninstall script link to googlecode site. The script may need to be revised... I am posting a rev here and on the google site. The revised script is at the bottom of this post.
Read below for more info:
I had a few weird problems with macfuse... dvd/cd not mounting and just general
weirdness on my 10.4 pbook. I ran the script above, but I found something that may
need to be fixed in it
In the part where you change directories to /System/Library/Extensions and then
delete the fuse.kext file:
cd /System/Library/Extensions
sudo rm -r fusefs.kext
I found that fusefs.kext file was in the directory:
Not the one in the script:
I am not sure if the installer put mine in the wrong dir or this something that needs to be fixed in the script, but I thought everyone should know.
<<< snip below this line -- do not include this line. The '#!/bin/bash' part must be first line >>>>
# Copy this script
cd /usr/local/bin
rm sshfs
sudo rm glib*
sudo rm pkg-config
sudo rm *gettext*
sudo rm *mount*
cd /usr/local/include
sudo rm -r fuse*
sudo rm -r glib-2.0
sudo rm gettext-po.h
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo rm -r pkgconfig
sudo rm -r glib*
sudo rm -r libg*
sudo rm -r *fuse*
sudo rm -r *gettext*
cd /usr/local/share
sudo rm -r glib*
sudo rm -r gettext
# Note: revised the target dir.
# previously was this dir which was incorrect:
# cd /System/Library/Extensions
# correct dir seems to be this one:
cd /Library/Extensions
sudo rm -r fusefs.kext
cd /System/Library/Filesystems
sudo rm -r fusefs.fs
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
# Note: Removed this line:
# shutdown -r now
# replaced it with a prompt at end of script telling user to restart:
echo ' '

Actually, I have found a few other files that were not deleted when I first ran this script. Specifically the .dylib files in the /usr/local/lib/ dir.
Instead of running the script again, I would recommend running the shell script posted below with this command:
find_macfuse_stuff.sh | grep -iv 'cannot open'
(of course you would have to name the script below 'find_macfuse_stuff.sh' after you copy and paste it into a text file)
This script will just return the files that are still installed on your computer and then you can go and delete them by hand one-by-one... I know it is a pain, but some funky things were happening with my drives after I installed macfuse, so I wanted to be very sure they were gone.
script is below here:
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/Info.plist
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/MacOS
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/MacOS/fusefs
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/Resources
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
file /Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext/Contents/Resources/load_fusefs
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents/Info.plist
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents/Resources
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Contents/version.plist
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/mount_fusefs
file /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/uninstall-macfuse-core.sh
file /usr/local/include
file /usr/local/include/fuse
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_common.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_common_compat.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_compat.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_lowlevel.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_lowlevel_compat.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse/fuse_opt.h
file /usr/local/include/fuse.h
file /usr/local/include/ulockmgr.h
file /usr/local/lib/libfuse.0.dylib
file /usr/local/lib/libfuse.a
file /usr/local/lib/libfuse.dylib
file /usr/local/lib/libfuse.la
file /usr/local/lib/libulockmgr.1.dylib
file /usr/local/lib/libulockmgr.a
file /usr/local/lib/libulockmgr.dylib
file /usr/local/lib/libulockmgr.la
file /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
file /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/fuse.pc
file /usr/local/lib/.BC.IyWMJU
file /usr/local/lib/.BC.c0DOrC

just in case: your script will return two files that you probably shouldn't delete, /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

Sorry if i am making a mistake but i stumbled across your page when trying to uninstall MacFuse (V2) myself and found the answer in the system preference (then --> MacFuse --> uninstall), seems the new version (2009) has its own installer. Furthermore, i realize that this forum is for Linux, but it might help a Mac user as i invariably fell onto that page after googling 'uninstall MacFuse' so if an other Mac user reads this it could help them - (might also be the same principle in the Linux system somewhere in your sys preferences' - (Don't know use Linux, can't be more specific)).

Fuse Sshfs

Er, this site is called Mac OS X Hints. I'm not sure how you got the idea that it was a Linux forum.
Anyway, thanks for the tip regarding an uninstall function in the MacFuse preference pane.