Failed Building Wheel For Psutil Mac Catalina


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  1. How to install wxPython
    1. GNU/Linux - Building from the source

Install Python

The stable release of wxPython requires Python version 2.7. Get it from the official download page.


Installation under windows is especially simple: Run the installer you can get from wxPython and follow the instructions.

Mac OS X

An installer is available on the wxPython site, for both PPC and Intel Macs.

If you wish to build it yourself, you should follow the instruction described here.

A french howto can be found here

If you receive a message about the package being 'damaged and can't be opened', then you need to change the security preference setting that is labeled Allow applications downloaded from: to Anywhere.

GNU/Linux - Redhat

You can find RPMs for Redhat (they are working just fine with Mandrake through), at the address wxPython

GNU/Linux - Debian

wxPython can be installed through apt-get by calling apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 or apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6, depending on which version you want. You may have to call this with root permissions. The wxPython demo is in the wx-examples package. However, it is advised to install the demo separately, as described at Using wxPython Demo Code.

Try this:

Please note that sometimes older versions of wx are installed by using this method See InstallingOnUbuntuOrDebian for how to get the latest versions with apt-get.

GNU/Linux - Raspbian on Raspberry Pi

wxPython 4.0.7.post2 can be installed and does run on Raspberry Pi's Debian variant, Raspbian. It works on Python 3.4 and up. For install instructions Build wxPython on Raspberry Pi.

GNU/Linux - Gentoo

wxPython can be installed through portage by calling emerge wxPython (notice the capital P). The correct command is actually emerge wxpython (without a capital p) as of 11/28/04.

GNU/Linux - Building from the source

You might also want to build wxPython from the source. You have to do this in three steps:

Installing wxGTK from source

wxGTK is the GTK version of wxWidgets. GTK (Gimp ToolKit) is a graphic library used by Gnome, so it is probably already installed on your Linux box. All you have to do is download the wxGTK source from the wxGTK ftp server. Or the wxWidgets website

  • Untar wxGTK by type the command:
  • Go into the directory:
  • Run the configure script:

You might get some errors here if GTK is not installed or if the include files for GTK are not installed (in a Mandrake distribution, gtk+-devel-1.2.8-6mdk.i586.rpm is the rpm that you want to install)

  • Run the make file:
    • You might get some errors here if yacc or lex are not installed. (in a Mandrake distribution, the right rpms are byacc-1.9-7mdk.i586.rpm and flex-2.5.4a-13mdk.i586.rpm)

You should now have a compiled version of wxGTK. We want to install it and link it into the system.

  • Become superuser:

Your root password is required here.

  • Install wxGTK:
  • Link the library:
  • Exit from superuser mode: Normally, wxGTK is installed but there might be a problem with wxPython:

it is possible that the library is not installed where wxPython is looking for it. ( In a mandrake 7.2 distribution, you want wxGTK to be installed in /usr/lib whereas it is automatically installed in /usr/local/lib) The solution is to create a symbolic link of the library where you want it to be:

  • Go in to the directory where you want the library to be installed:
  • Create a symbolic link to the library:

Installing wxPython from source

  • Download the source code of the last wxPython release:

wxPython website

  • Untar the tarball:
  • go into the directory:
  • Edit the to choose what you want to install. I suggest that you don't install OGL and GL_CANVAS. by selecting:
  • Build the python module:
  • Become root:

Your root password is required here.

  • Install the module:
  • Exit root mode:
  • Check if the module works:

wxPython is fully installed!

Please note that the most up to date information about installing the new wxPython4 wheels is usually located on the main wxPython website at:

Make sure you have recent versions of pip and setuptools installed.

  • Installing wxPython4 (Phoenix) on Linux Since wxPython is not able to be built to the manylinux1 standard we're not able to put binaries on PyPI. Instead binary wheels are made available for a few popular linux distributions, and you can install them using pip once you locate the proper folder to tell pip to download from. Look around in for a folder matching your distro and gtk preference. You can then install with a command like the following command. If you are not installing into a Python virtual environment then you will probably need to insert sudo at the beginning of the command:

  • Installing wxPython4 (Phoenix) on Windows and OSX Binary wheels for these platforms are available on PyPI so you can install with this simpler command if build are available for your target Python:

  • Verify installation

Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It is a small, bootstrapversion of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they dependon, and a small number of other useful packages, including pip, zlib and afew others. Use the condainstallcommand to install 720+ additional condapackages from the Anaconda repository.

See if Miniconda is right for you.

Windows installers¶

Python versionNameSizeSHA256 hash
Python 3.7Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit54.6 MiB6003dbd4d1a9f0c9e64943468d00cf9f6dd2d34cfa0d00c58fe9d175d64c056c
Miniconda3 Windows 32-bit48.3 MiBe4b8fc4802c6481f37a409ac3099aa1016aa3abf68671036670c0ff6a1526b44
Python 2.7Miniconda2 Windows 64-bit54.1 MiB6973025404832944e074bf02bda8c4594980eeed4707bb51baa8fbdba4bf326c
Miniconda2 Windows 32-bit47.7 MiBc8049d26f8b6b954b57bcd4e99ad72d1ffa13f4a6b218e64e641504437b2617b

MacOSX installers¶

Failed Building Wheel For Psutil Mac Catalina Drive

Python versionNameSizeSHA256 hash
Python 3.7Miniconda3 MacOSX 64-bit bash52.3 MiBccc1bded923a790cd61cd17c83c3dcc374dc0415cfa7fb1f71e6a2438236543d
Miniconda3 MacOSX 64-bit pkg60.4 MiB4a132568b095dfd728838af2dd0da5e27ea3ddb21bdfadaa89c9ffeda7786234
Python 2.7Miniconda2 MacOSX 64-bit bash40.3 MiB0e2961e20a2239c140766456388beba6630f0c869020d2bd1870c3d040980b45
Miniconda2 MacOSX 64-bit pkg48.4 MiB9ca4313e8162a939c7a5a4f48d657722594f8db9a98472803d63c3a7f66fa1da

Linux installers¶

Python versionNameSizeSHA256 hash
Python 3.7Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit84.8 MiBbb2e3cedd2e78a8bb6872ab3ab5b1266a90f8c7004a22d8dc2ea5effeb6a439a
Miniconda3 Linux 32-bit62.7 MiBf387eded3fa4ddc3104b7775e62d59065b30205c2758a8b86b4c27144adafcc4
Python 2.7Miniconda2 Linux 64-bit48.7 MiBb820dde1a0ba868c4c948fe6ace7300a252b33b5befd078a15d4a017476b8979
Miniconda2 Linux 32-bit39.0 MiB2e20ac4379ca5262e7612f84ad26b1a2f2782d0994facdecb28e0baf51749979


  • See hashes for all Miniconda installers.
  • Verify your installation.
  • Installationinstructions.

Failed To Build Psutil

Other resources¶

These Miniconda installers contain the condapackage manager and Python. Once Miniconda isinstalled, you can use the conda command to installany other packages and create environments, etc.For example:

There are two variants of the installer: Minicondais Python 2 based and Miniconda3 is Python 3 based.Note that the choice of which Miniconda isinstalled only affects the root environment.Regardless of which version of Miniconda youinstall, you can still install both Python 2.x andPython 3.x environments.

The other difference is that the Python 3 versionof Miniconda will default to Python 3 when creatingnew environments and building packages. So forinstance, the behavior of:

will be to install Python 2.7 with the Python 2Miniconda and to install Python 3.7 with the Python3 Miniconda. You can override the default byexplicitly setting python=2 or python=3. Italso determines the default value of CONDA_PYwhen using condabuild.


If you already have Miniconda or Anacondainstalled, and you just want to upgrade, you shouldnot use the installer. Just use condaupdate.

For instance:

will update conda.