How do I restart Apache 2 web server under Apple Mac OS X UNIX operating systems?
You need to use the apachectl command which nothing but a front end to the Apache 2 (HTTP) server. It is designed to help the administrator control the functioning of the Apache httpd daemon.
Dec 31, 2019 Most Mac users remain unaware of the fact that there’s a built-in web server on the system. On Mac, that web server is Apache. Apache is an open-source web server that has been around since as early as 1995. Ever since 2016, Apache has been the engine used behind 46% of all websites. Nov 29, 2015 In this tutorial we will learn how to set up apache web server and a user root for mac os x 10.11 el capitan. The apache,php,mysql.txt for copy and past instructions on Github Gist: https://gist. Jan 05, 2015 Default httpd.conf included below just in case. It actually solved my problem as older http.conf (from Apache 2.2) was linking to files which are not available/used in the newer Apache 2.4.9 which currently is running on Yosemite.
Open a terminal and use the following commands.
Task: Restart Apache2 Under Mac OS X
Sample session:
The second command netstat -at | grep LISTEN verifies that port 80 (HTTP) is open and working fine.
Task: Stop Apache2 Under Mac OS X
Task: Start Apache2 Under Mac OS X
macrumors 68000
Is Apache Web Server Free
But, I ran it fine for years on Mac OS X and thanks to he offered a wonderful Web Sharing applet that allows turning on/off Web Sharing and PHP just like under old versions of Mac OS X.
With the advent of Yosemite we had a further issue that's a problem:
People trying to pull up my webserver would receive a 403 forbidden error.
Clickontyler figured out a fix for this (mostly):
I've implemented the fix but unfortunately the Require all granted flag allows for my webserver to run like it used to except for one thing.
It used to be that I could access a directory via web browser such as:
Where website would be my external address and files would be the subdirectory I want to access from offsite.
This used to give you a list of files I could download from remote and was very helpful.
When I try to do this now, I get a 403 forbidden error even with the Require all granted flag set in http.conf.
Anyone figure out a way around this?